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Unlike many insect species, the termite is one that can destroy a home from the inside out. The termite does this by attacking the wooden structure of the property, searching for cellulose. As such, it is best to arm yourself with the most information possible. The more you know, the easier it’ll be to successfully rid the creature from your property.

  • Termites are as social as the ant. The termite colony operates nearly on the same basic principles and foundations as that of an ant colony.
  • When it is said that termites are social, it virtually means that where you see one, you will see many. These insects work in groups, live in hordes, and vie together for one basic common goal, to develop the colony.
  • Termites are known for doing massive amounts of damage to wooden structures, but it is the cellulose in the wood they are after. Cellulose is also found in a handful of other products and materials, including cotton fibers, paper, cardboard, and furniture.
  • Termites initially build their colonies underground about 300 to 400 feet away from the home. They build underground as to remain undetected. Therefore, when you see mounds, it means the colony is growing overpopulated.
  • Some termites will bore out wooden structures and build mounds in the hollowed-out holes, but these are usually secondary colonies.
  • There are roughly 2000 termite species known throughout the United States, but it is the Subterranean species that pose the biggest risks. They are responsible for nearly all the $2 billion termite damage reported annually.

A Look At The Hierarchy

Every termite colony is made up of a hierarchy. It is this hierarchy that dictates the termite’s specific roles within the colony. Understanding how this hierarchy works can contribute immensely toward the eradication of the creature.

The Queen

  • The queen would be the perfect starting point, as she is the most important member of the colony. Everything that is done within the colony is done to please her. Therefore, is the largest member of the colony with the potential to grow 4 inches long.
  • She is so big that if she needs to be relocated to another part of the colony, it will usually take hundreds of workers pushing to accomplish the task.
  • The queen’s main role in the colony is during the initial formation of the colony. She will lay eggs and care for them until there are enough workers and nymphs to assume the responsibilities.
  • A queen can live for ten years, and during these years, she could lay as many as 30,000 eggs in a single day!

The King

  • It is probably obvious that the king’s role is to stand by his queen, and that’s exactly what he does. The king will help the queen with the initial formation of the colony.
  • However, after the queen ceases her efforts, the king will continue to mate and care for the eggs.

Worker Termites

  • There will never be a more devout member of a colony than the worker termite. This class with the hierarchy works 24/7, 365. There is no quit in these guys.
  • They are soft-bodied, light-colored, and do not produce wings. They can only grow to be able 0 millimeters in length, which equates to about a grain of rice.
  • The worker termite’s main roles are to maintain and build tunnels, care for eggs, forage for food, and feed and groom other members of the colony.

Soldier Termites

  • The soldier termite’s job is probably just as obvious as the worker termite. But what most people don’t know is the soldier is vulnerable to enemy termites and predatory animals
  • They have white, soft bodies with no wings, but do grow two powerful jaws that can be used like mandibles against opposing threats.
  • Their main job is to defend the colony from the ant.

Winged Reproductive Members

  • When a termite colony starts reaching its maximum size it will be the winged members that fly off to mate and start new colonies. These secondary colonies are usually constructed aboveground in wooden structures.
  • Winged reproductive members can consist of both male and female members.
  • While there will only be 1 king and 1 queen within a colony, there could potentially be thousands of winged reproductive members.
  • They also assist with laying eggs and contributing to the growth of the colony.

Comparing The Flying Any And Flying Termite

Flying ants and flying termites are commonly mistaken for one another. This is likely because they do share quite a few and similar characteristics. However, when it comes right down to it, these two insects are nothing alike. Elimination of each insect will be entirely different. Therefore, it is imperative to understand which you are dealing with. The only way to do this is to learn to differentiate between the two.

  • Both the flying ant and termite will grow wings. The flying ant’s wings are longer in the front than in the back. The termite’s wings are the same size.
  • The termite’s wings can easily be broken off, whereas the flying ant’s wings are much more durable.
  • Both develop antennae, but it is the flying ants that are elbowed at a ninety-degree angle. The termites are straight.
  • The ant has a narrow and more defined waist, whereas the termites are thicker.

Are Termites Dangerous? What Risks Do They Pose?

There isn’t much good that can be said about a termite infestation. On a good note, the termite does not bite or sting. It has never been connected to deadly disease transmission. However, this does not mean the insect does not pose a danger to your home. It can do immense damage to wooden structures. It can even damage a structure to the point of near collapse, causing it to fully collapse in on you when you walk in.

The termite can also be helpful to the environment, breaking down decomposing wood structures – tree stumps, decks, vacant buildings, and downed trees.

How Do I Eliminate Termites And Can It Be Done Without Professional Assistance?

Any professional pest management firm is going to recommend against homeowners treating termite infestation on their own. And this is because the potential to just further spread the infestation is too great. As was mentioned earlier, termites usually build their primary colonies underground about 300 to 400 feet from the structure they are attacking. They’ll usually build thousands of entrances and exit tunnels leading to and from the property as well. It only takes missing one of these insects or one of the tunnels. When this happens, the termite will likely move on and start a new colony elsewhere on the property.

Therefore, termite elimination is best left for professional pest management. A professional can attack the termite infestation with the utmost efficiency, ensuring they shut down every possible entrance and exit.

When Will You Get Here?

With our stellar reputation and immensely effective pest management solutions, we stay busy all year round. In addition to this, we treat a variety of other pests. This and the fact that we are willing to adapt, we are one of the preferred providers in the area. However, we are willing to adapt for you as well. All you must do is give us a call and we’ll get someone out to the property within the next 24 to 48 hours. If you do find yourself in need of emergency services, you can give us a call and we’ll get someone out to the property immediately.

Why Hire Our Wichita Pest Control Experts?

  • We hire the most qualified exterminators and pest control technicians in the Kansas industry
  • Our exterminators are licensed with the State of Kansas
  • Our pest control team is trained in chemical pesticide safety
  • We run extensive background checks and conduct random employee drug screens
  • We are a locally owned and operated pest control company
  • Our prices are fair and competitive with Kansas’ top pest control firms

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